On March 7 from 08:00 till 12:00 (UTC), the servers will undergo maintenance to deploy the 2.0.10 update.
Update size from the previous version: SD part – 819,1 MB, HD part – 553,9 MB (additional to SD)
New Aircraft
The final part of the German medium bombers branch is represented by aircraft designed and built by the Junkers company in Germany.
These warbirds continue the Schnellbomber concept – fast aircraft carrying powerful bombs. The first two aircraft of the branch, the Ju 288A and Ju 288C, are an evolutionary development of the Do 217M high-altitude bomber in their character and capabilities. When it comes to the higher-tier aircraft, the nature of the German bombers changes radically: here you can find the Ju 287 and EF 131 jet-powered aircraft with a forward-swept wing. These vehicles bring fast and high-altitude gameplay.
The following aircraft is now available for purchase in the premium shop:
The following aircraft will be available only to developers and Supertest participants for testing purposes:

Yak-7 М-82А, a Soviet Tier V multirole fighter

Horten Ho 229, a German Tier VIII fighter
You can receive the aircraft of Tier VII-IX during the Blade of Vengeance event. After the event ends, the whole branch except for the Tier X Junkers EF 131 will be available for research.
With the release of Update 2.0.10, the transition between the branches of bombers and attack aircraft from the Do 217M to Me 265 will no longer be available.
Balance changes for some aircraft
- Me 265 – updated damage model, reduced the tailplane's susceptibility to critical damage.
- Me 329 – updated damage model, increased the burst length and accuracy of the 30 mm MK-108 guns, increased bomb reload speed, slightly reduced the turret's horizontal firing angles, increased maneuverability in pitch.
- Ме P.1099B – increased the burst length and accuracy of the standard 30 mm MK-108 guns, the improved turret mount no longer affects the speed.
- IL-40 – slightly reduced the turret's horizontal firing angles, slightly reduced the forward-firing armament damage.
- IL-40P – slightly reduced the turret's horizontal firing angles.
- Javelin – updated damage model, which will increase its survivability under fire.
- J8M – increased the accuracy and cooldown rate of the forward-firing armament, increased maneuverability at high speed, increased speed and maneuverability at high altitudes, improved the optimal speed, updated the damage model.
Pilot Skills Changes
- The pilot’s injury will now have a greater effect on the use of bombs and rockets. During a critical (red) injury, in addition to reducing accuracy, there will also be a slight decrease in the damage caused.
- The effect of the Demolition Expert skill on damage and blast radius has been reduced from + 15% to + 10%.
Game Modes
- Activated the Group respawn mechanics. The queue time for respawn will take about 15-30 seconds.
- The number of times that the player's aircraft has been destroyed no longer affects the respawn time.
- The airbase no longer has the ability to reduce the queue time for respawn.
- The Arctic Region: Winter War map layout is now available only for Tier II-IV battles.
- The Arctic Region: Ancient Hill map layout is now available only for Tier III-IV battles.
- The Cold Peak: Gem of the Mountain map layout is now available only for Tier VI battles.
- The battle tier range for most map layouts has been changed from 4 to 2.
- Added 3 new map layouts: Arctic Region: Night raid (battle Tiers IV-V), Cold Peak: Risky attempt (battle Tiers VII-VIII), and Alpine Gambit: Forgotten garrison (battle Tiers VIII-IX).
- Improved some map layouts that were previously removed from the list of available ones: territories replaced, entry points were added or replaced as well for some map layouts.
- Activated the Group respawn mechanics at 40-second intervals.
- For some map layouts, the individual number of respawns available to teams has been configured.
Bomber Escort:
- Changed the number of bombers departing in different waves.
- In the Conquest and Attrition modes, the maximum number of aircraft belonging to the PvE-class (bombers and attack aircraft) was reduced to 4 per team.
- In the Invasion and Escort modes, the maximum number of aircraft belonging to the PvE-class (bombers and attack aircraft) has been reduced to 5 for the attacking team.
- Added separate matchmaker settings for new players. If the players earned less than 4,000 XP in the game, they will get into battles, where the entire enemy team consists of Bots.
Aircraft Type-Specific Missions
- Two aircraft type-specific missions for heavy fighters were replaced with new ones. The respective achievements were added.
- Changed the aiming system for Bots in order to increase their effectiveness against poorly maneuvering targets. Speaking about actively maneuvering targets, the Bot's firing effectiveness will remain unchanged or slightly decrease.
- Slightly reduced the territory type influence on the priorities of Bots. Now they will be less likely to choose more prioritized, but remote sectors, when the nearest ones are not captured.
Other Changes
- Updated the sounds of jet aircraft engines. Single, double and multi-engine jet aircraft will now sound different.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with the lack of graphic effects for a jet blast for some aircraft.
- Fixed a bug due to which the display of propellers did not change when flying at an extreme altitude (engines did not stall visually).
- Fixed a bug due to which the player's camera in the Sniper mode could stop changing its position in space with the movement of the aircraft.
- Fixed a bug that caused a black screen after the end of the countdown before the battle or reentering the battle.
- Fixed a critical game client error when launching the game on Steam with a Steam Controller connected.