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Battles participated before release

Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Average Damage Caused per Battle,

Battle Performance in Air Combat


12,998 / 3,168

Total aircraft destroyed / Times player's aircraft were destroyed

Battle Performance in Strafing Mode


0.55 / 0.5

Average ground targets destroyed by the player per battle / Average ground targets destroyed by players per battle

Achievements 66/106

  • sikorsky4
  • Sikorsky Order Class IV

    Was awarded for participating in at least 100 battles during World of Warplanes Open Beta testing.

  • gorovets
  • Gorovets Medal

    Was awarded for destroying at least 9 enemy aircraft in a single battle.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • as
  • Ace

    Awarded for destroying at least 5 enemy aircraft in one battle.

    Available in Standard Battle only.

  • rocket_shooter
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an enemy aircraft with a rocket.

    Available in Standard Battle only.

  • first_blood
  • First Blood

    Was awarded for becoming the first to destroy an enemy aircraft in battle. The count was reset if another human player or a bot destroyed an enemy aircraft first.

    Was available once in Battle Against Bots before the release of version 1.9.0.

  • crucialcontribution
  • Epic Contribution

    Was awarded to all members of a Flight that destroyed at least 12 enemy aircraft before one of the Flight members was destroyed.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • galland3
  • Galland Medal Class III

    Was awarded for earning 3 Ace medals in fighters or multirole fighters.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • sky_fire
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an enemy aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available in Standard Battle only, one time for each aircraft in Hangar.

  • fighter_test
  • Certified Fighter Pilot

    Was awarded for destroying at least 2 enemy aircraft with a fighter or a multirole fighter in a single battle.

    Was available once in Battle Against Bots before the release of version 1.9.0.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 6,358
Victories 4,329 (68.09%)
Draws 22 (0%)
Defeats 2,007 (32%)
Battles Survived 3,190 (50%)
Average Experience per Battle 680
Maximum Experience per Battle 2,811

Battle Performance

Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 10
Targets Destroyed 16
Assist Points 5
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed by Gunner 2
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 2,773
Damage Caused to Targets 38,222
Targets Destroyed with Rockets 7
Targets Destroyed with Bombs 4

Aircraft Types

Fighters 4,573 (72%)
Multirole Fighters 972 (15%)
Heavy Fighters 222 (4%)
Attack Aircraft 589 (9%)


U.S.S.R. 2,223 (35%)
Germany 620 (10%)
U.S.A. 1,128 (18%)
Japan 250 (4%)
U.K. 2,093 (33%)
China 42 (0%)
Europe 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
  • Data as of

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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Total Experience
Total Number of Aircraft Destroyed
Total Number of Targets Destroyed
Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Total Damage Caused
Average Damage Caused per Battle
Total Damage Caused to Targets
Average Damage Caused to Targets per Battle
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Number of Aircraft Destroyed per Battle
Average Number of Targets Destroyed per Battle



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Aircraft Battles Victories Maximum Aircraft Destroyed per Battle Maximum Targets Destroyed per Battle

First flown in December 1948. Never used in combat. A total of 197 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.09 12
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 680.00 7,480
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

First operational U.S. Navy carrier-based jet fighter. Later became the basis for the famous F-86.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.67 16
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 1,244.33 7,466
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

The first British carrier-based jet fighter, which first flew in July 1946. A total of 185 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.96 475
Targets Destroyed 0.10 23
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 832.42 201,446
Damage Caused to Targets 236.90 57,331

The fastest Mustang and one of the fastest piston fighters in the world. A total of 555 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.20 374
Targets Destroyed 0.02 4
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 731.63 124,377
Damage Caused to Targets 40.78 6,933

The first jet-powered fighter to enter service with the Soviet Air Force. Developed on the basis of the Yak-3 in 1946. A total of 280 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.89 378
Targets Destroyed 0.04 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 599.24 119,847
Damage Caused to Targets 45.02 9,005

Entered service in the winter of 1944. A total of 957 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.59 309
Targets Destroyed 0.07 13
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 540.95 104,944
Damage Caused to Targets 221.05 42,884

An all-metal fighter created on the basis of the La-7 featuring a wider combat radius and more powerful weapons. Used during the Korean War.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.61 153
Targets Destroyed 0.21 20
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 653.41 62,074
Damage Caused to Targets 393.78 37,409

One of the most successful modifications of the famous British fighter. A total of 5,656 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.91 852
Targets Destroyed 0.10 43
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 598.51 266,335
Damage Caused to Targets 338.15 150,478

Created in 1943 on the basis of the Yak-1. One of the best Soviet fighters of 1944–1945. A total of 4,848 aircraft of this type were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.24 197
Targets Destroyed 0.10 9
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 533.39 46,938
Damage Caused to Targets 114.92 10,113

A further development of the famous La-5 featuring enhanced aerodynamics. A total of 5,753 aircraft were produced from 1944 through 1945.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.26 129
Targets Destroyed 0.05 3
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 608.60 34,690
Damage Caused to Targets 104.84 5,976

One of the most famous American fighters during World War II. Used extensively in Europe and in the later stages of the war against Japan.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.89 289
Targets Destroyed 0.06 9
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 518.11 79,271
Damage Caused to Targets 165.19 25,274

Developed in 1942–1945 for the Imperial Japanese Navy as a successor to the A6M. Only 8 prototypes were produced and tested by the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.62 65
Targets Destroyed 0.17 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 532.92 21,317
Damage Caused to Targets 551.33 22,053

The most widely produced model of the Messerschmitt fighter. Used in all theaters of war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.82 118
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 535.23 34,790
Damage Caused to Targets 18.66 1,213

Modification of the mass-produced Yak-3 featuring an auxiliary liquid-fuel rocket engine and a single cannon. The prototype underwent trials in 1944–1945.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.95 43
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 473.27 10,412
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1941 to replace the Spitfire I and Spitfire II. Widely used in Europe and North Africa.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.14 866
Targets Destroyed 0.04 17
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 501.51 202,612
Damage Caused to Targets 70.89 28,639

Developed in 1940, the Bf 109 F outperformed the earlier Bf 109 E due to lighter armament, improved aerodynamics, and a more powerful engine.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.05 217
Targets Destroyed 0.06 6
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 517.67 54,873
Damage Caused to Targets 61.18 6,485

During trials of captured Spitfires in Germany, one aircraft was equipped with a German DB 605 engine. It was later destroyed in an Allied air raid.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.61 79
Targets Destroyed 0.06 3
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 454.08 22,250
Damage Caused to Targets 77.82 3,813

Created in 1943 on the basis of the Yak-1. Further improvements led to creation of the Yak-3.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 3.10 310
Targets Destroyed 0.08 8
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 650.13 65,013
Damage Caused to Targets 44.41 4,441

A modification of the MiG-3 featuring a radial air-cooled engine. A total of 5 aircraft were built and remained in service until 1944.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.38 62
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 604.35 15,713
Damage Caused to Targets 0.23 6

A further development of the LaGG-3 featuring an air-cooled engine and enhanced aerodynamics.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.32 837
Targets Destroyed 0.07 27
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 564.71 203,859
Damage Caused to Targets 113.78 41,074

This modification of the A6M confronted Allied fighters until the final days of WWII. A total of 10,449 aircraft of all variants were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.65 408
Targets Destroyed 0.06 9
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 613.01 94,404
Damage Caused to Targets 177.06 27,267

Developed in the United States on request of the Royal Air Force. Further modification resulted in the creation of the P-51 Mustang fighter and the A-36 Apache attack aircraft.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.20 207
Targets Destroyed 0.09 8
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 657.14 61,771
Damage Caused to Targets 264.12 24,827

An early model of one of the most famous U.S. Army Air Force fighters of World War II. Used mainly in North Africa, Burma, and Great Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.07 126
Targets Destroyed 0.08 5
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 542.92 33,118
Damage Caused to Targets 108.98 6,648

A significant number of the P-39 Airacobra were supplied to the U.S.S.R. under the Lend-Lease program. The P-39Q-15 was a lighter version that had no wing-mounted weapons.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.33 551
Targets Destroyed 0.05 12
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 573.19 135,273
Damage Caused to Targets 64.61 15,247

Prototype carrier-based variant of the P-39 Airacobra, which first flew in May 1940. Tested as a new fighter for the U.S. Navy, but was considered inferior to the F4U Corsair.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.17 490
Targets Destroyed 0.03 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 410.61 92,797
Damage Caused to Targets 27.32 6,175

First flown in March 1938. Widely used during the Battle of Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.74 1,188
Targets Destroyed 0.06 26
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 535.44 232,381
Damage Caused to Targets 105.34 45,717

Developed in 1940 as the I-26 high-speed fighter. One of the best Soviet fighters of the early years of World War II. A total of 8,734 aircraft of various modifications were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.26 255
Targets Destroyed 0.27 31
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 447.55 50,573
Damage Caused to Targets 374.94 42,368

Fighter constructed of timber and designed as a high-speed aircraft in the prewar period. Used on all fronts until the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.65 89
Targets Destroyed 0.02 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 326.70 17,642
Damage Caused to Targets 21.96 1,186

Early in the Pacific War, the A6M was the world's most capable carrier-based fighter, which gave Japan air superiority.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.95 82
Targets Destroyed 0.07 3
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 474.21 19,917
Damage Caused to Targets 22.17 931

Modification of the Messerschmitt fighter created after military operations in Spain. Extensively used by the Luftwaffe and the air forces of German allies.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.74 137
Targets Destroyed 0.08 4
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 622.48 31,124
Damage Caused to Targets 95.66 4,783

Developed on the basis of the P-36. Most extensively used against Japan during the Pacific War and in China, and on the Soviet-German front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.55 143
Targets Destroyed 0.11 6
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 544.88 30,513
Damage Caused to Targets 62.30 3,489

Several Ki-43 aircraft were captured by the Chinese Nationalist Air Force and the Chinese Communist Air Force after Japan's defeat in the Pacific War. They were operated in China during the ongoing civil war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.19 79
Targets Destroyed 0.19 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 336.75 12,123
Damage Caused to Targets 141.97 5,111

Early modification of the P-40, also known as the Curtiss Model 81A-1. A total of 199 aircraft of this modification were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.25 15
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 260.67 3,128
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1934–1937, but never entered service due to lack of advantage over the mass-produced I-16. Only prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.69 27
Targets Destroyed 0.19 3
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 260.31 4,165
Damage Caused to Targets 108.50 1,736

Developed and tested in 1935 as a new fighter for the Luftwaffe. Exported to Spain, Japan, Hungary, and Romania. A total of 100 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.42 29
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 407.58 4,891
Damage Caused to Targets 27.83 334

The winner of the contest to become the principal fighter aircraft with the Luftwaffe. Early modifications were used in Spain and in the initial period of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.00 4
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 638.00 1,276
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Went through trials in 1938 as a new fighter for the Royal Air Force, but was considered inferior to the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 4.00 4
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 376.00 376
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Early prototypes of the famous A6M Zero were equipped with Zuisei engines. First flew in April 1939.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 3.00 21
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 570.71 3,995
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Performed trials in 1936 as a new fighter for the Japanese Army. Two prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.00 0
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 317.00 317
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

The first monoplane carrier-based fighter adopted by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service. Successfully used during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.33 7
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 275.67 827
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Early version of the F2A Buffalo. A total of 11 aircraft of this modification were built for the U.S. Navy.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.76 130
Targets Destroyed 0.01 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 227.45 16,831
Damage Caused to Targets 8.19 606

First flew in February 1934. The experience gained during the Type 224 development was subsequently used to create the famous Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 3.27 160
Targets Destroyed 0.12 6
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 400.96 19,647
Damage Caused to Targets 67.80 3,322

A prototype of the I-16 (TsKB-12) equipped with a Wright Cyclone engine and three-blade propeller. Following trials, it was decided to produce I-16 with the M-22 engine.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.50 1
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 240.00 480
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Underwent trials in the summer of 1934. The first aircraft with retractable landing gear proposed to the Royal Air Force.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 8.00 8
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 1,036.00 1,036
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Used widely during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The last biplane designed by Nakajima.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.33 7
Targets Destroyed 0.33 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 308.67 926
Damage Caused to Targets 165.00 495

A further modification of the Yak-9. Developed in 1943. Successfully used in 1944-1945 on the Soviet-German front. Produced until 1948.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.75 11
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 345.75 1,383
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

A further modification of the F4U. Used extensively in World War II against Japan and the Korean War. A total of 2,557 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.24 26
Targets Destroyed 0.90 19
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 541.95 11,381
Damage Caused to Targets 2,562.00 53,802

The Fw 190 D modification entered service in the fall of 1944. It proved to be one of the best German fighters during the last stages of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.26 67
Targets Destroyed 0.09 5
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 515.96 27,346
Damage Caused to Targets 266.57 14,128

Developed in 1942 on the basis of the Yak-7. The most widely produced Soviet fighter. A total of 16,769 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.49 271
Targets Destroyed 0.10 11
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 573.74 62,538
Damage Caused to Targets 106.92 11,654

One of the most widely produced United States Navy fighters of World War II. Used in both carrier- and land-based operations.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.09 628
Targets Destroyed 0.40 120
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 590.30 177,679
Damage Caused to Targets 857.22 258,022

A further modification of the Fw 190 featuring heavier armament and a more powerful engine. Entered service in the spring of 1943. Used extensively as a multirole fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.44 462
Targets Destroyed 0.12 23
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 689.15 130,249
Damage Caused to Targets 239.63 45,290

As the U.S.S.R. lacked spare Allison engines, a few P-40 fighters were fitted with Soviet M-105 engines.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.40 14
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 300.70 3,007
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1941 on the basis of the Yak-7UTI flight trainer. A total of 6,399 fighters of various modifications were built, including training aircraft.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.59 75
Targets Destroyed 0.03 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 468.41 13,584
Damage Caused to Targets 105.90 3,071

Developed in 1941 as a specialized anti-tank aircraft on the basis of the Hawker Hurricane fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.00 2
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 495.00 495
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1939 as an alternative to the Bf 109 that served in the Luftwaffe. The Fw 190 entered mass production in 1941.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.00 82
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 427.95 17,546
Damage Caused to Targets 25.46 1,044

The best U.S. carrier-based fighter at the start of the war with Japan. Used from the outset through the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.18 72
Targets Destroyed 0.03 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 460.97 15,212
Damage Caused to Targets 68.18 2,250

Modification of the I-16 featuring more powerful weapons and improved performance.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.12 254
Targets Destroyed 0.10 12
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 328.62 39,434
Damage Caused to Targets 96.37 11,564

Developed in the early 1930s as a high-speed fighter. Used in Spain in 1936, during the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol in 1939, and through World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.05 43
Targets Destroyed 0.10 2
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 235.90 4,954
Damage Caused to Targets 92.71 1,947

One of the best biplane fighters of the 1930s. Served through the end of 1941.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.33 7
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 465.00 1,395
Damage Caused to Targets 208.00 624

Carrier-based fighter-bomber. A total of 28 aircraft were built for the U.S. Navy from 1932 through 1933. Exported as the Hawk II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.40 24
Targets Destroyed 0.70 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 320.40 3,204
Damage Caused to Targets 438.30 4,383

Early 1930s high specification biplane fighter. Saw extensive action in conflicts beyond the borders of the U.S.S.R.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.73 41
Targets Destroyed 0.07 1
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 247.20 3,708
Damage Caused to Targets 9.33 140

An export version of the Curtiss BF2C-1. A total of 137 aircraft were built for the Air Forces of China, Argentina, Turkey, and Thailand. Licensed for production in China.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.33 14
Targets Destroyed 1.17 7
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 286.17 1,717
Damage Caused to Targets 1,049.00 6,294

Developed in early 1926 as an all-metal version of the Gamecock fighter. Never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.00 4
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 98.25 393
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Navy biplane fighter of the interwar period.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.00 1
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 168.00 168
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

One of the main fighter aircraft of the Red Army Air Force in the early 1930s. Used during World War II on a limited basis.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 4.00 4
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 112.00 112
Damage Caused to Targets 2.00 2

Widely used in various roles, including as a long-range fighter, night fighter, and fighter-bomber. A total of 7,781 aircraft of various modifications were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.10 306
Targets Destroyed 0.12 17
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 638.71 93,251
Damage Caused to Targets 324.82 47,423

First combat-ready modification of the P-38 Lightning. Used in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific Theater. A total of 527 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.00 1
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 975.00 975
Damage Caused to Targets 130.00 130

First flew in July 1939. Used as a long-range fighter and night fighter. A total of 5,928 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.60 85
Targets Destroyed 0.45 24
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 393.55 20,858
Damage Caused to Targets 782.32 41,463

Modification of the Blenheim bomber into a long-range fighter or night fighter. A total of 60 aircraft were modified.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 2.14 30
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 466.29 6,528
Damage Caused to Targets 162.57 2,276

Twin-engine heavy fighter. One of the first Zerstörer concepts developed for the Luftwaffe.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.12 9
Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 363.38 2,907
Damage Caused to Targets 0.00 0

A drastic modification of the IL-2 developed in 1944. Used in the final stages of World War II and during the Korean War.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.77 97
Targets Destroyed 5.37 676
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 368.61 46,445
Damage Caused to Targets 13,555.56 1,708,000

A later version of the IL-2, configured with a rear gunner. Became the most widely produced attack aircraft of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.67 76
Targets Destroyed 5.57 635
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 178.75 20,377
Damage Caused to Targets 12,866.45 1,466,775

Anti-tank modification of the Ju 88 bomber. Several dozen aircraft equipped with different armament variants were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.56 14
Targets Destroyed 3.89 35
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 566.33 5,097
Damage Caused to Targets 7,724.22 69,518

This well-armored attack aircraft became a legend of the Soviet Air Force. Early models of the IL-2 lacked a rear gunner.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 1.14 244
Targets Destroyed 5.01 1,073
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 287.63 61,553
Damage Caused to Targets 10,053.71 2,151,494

Armored attack aircraft first flown in May 1939. A total of 865 aircraft of all modifications were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.80 28
Targets Destroyed 4.57 160
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 217.60 7,616
Damage Caused to Targets 7,279.29 254,775

Developed as a high-speed two-seat attack aircraft with two prototypes produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.67 2
Targets Destroyed 3.00 9
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 203.00 609
Damage Caused to Targets 5,063.33 15,190

Single-seat heavily armored attack aircraft. Prototype model of the IL-2, which first flew on 12 October 1940.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.50 16
Targets Destroyed 4.78 153
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 59.22 1,895
Damage Caused to Targets 7,855.94 251,390

Developed in the early 1930s as a heavy armored attack aircraft for the Red Army Air Force.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.55 6
Targets Destroyed 3.73 41
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 93.73 1,031
Damage Caused to Targets 4,518.73 49,706

Developed in 1935–1936 in Germany to provide close air support for ground forces. Never entered service. A total of 6 prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.00 0
Targets Destroyed 11.00 11
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 35.00 35
Damage Caused to Targets 3,761.00 3,761

Designed as a technologically simple and low-cost strike aircraft suitable for mass production. Several prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.71 25
Targets Destroyed 3.63 127
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 52.37 1,833
Damage Caused to Targets 2,531.31 88,596

A heavily armored attack aircraft designed to support the troops and armored vehicles of the Red Army. Never saw mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 0.67 6
Targets Destroyed 2.89 26
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 33.22 299
Damage Caused to Targets 1,882.78 16,945
Player hurri_cze has no aircraft of tier that participated in more than battles. Player hurri_cze has no aircraft of tier yet. Player hurri_cze has no aircraft that participated in more than battles.