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Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Most Damage per Battle,

Aircraft type efficiency


Multirole Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Attack Aircraft


Achievements 82/176

  • marcel
  • Marseille Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 17 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    Award +1
  • maccambell
  • McCampbell Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 10 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    The destroyed targets must include aircraft of all 5 types.

    Award +1
  • teamworkguru
  • Hero of the Sky Badge

    Awarded for earning the highest aircraft type grade in battle.

    Award +1
  • rocketeer
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target using a rocket.

  • dillei4
  • Johnson Medal Class IV

    Awarded for destroying at least 20 aircraft from the enemy combat group.

    Award +1
  • effective
  • Effective Fire

    Awarded for earning at least 5000 personal points in each of at least 2 battles played in a row.

    The count is reset if the player earns fewer than 5000 personal points in a single battle.

  • predatoryduet
  • Raptor Duo

    Awarded to members of a Flight that destroyed 15 aerial targets and earned at least 500 capture points.

    The count is reset if one of the Flight members is destroyed.

  • flameofheaven
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available once for each aircraft in the Hangar.

  • impactfromthesky
  • Successful Interception

    Awarded once for destroying an aircraft from an Attack Flight.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 803
Victories 608 (75.72%)
Draws 5 (1%)
Defeats 190 (24%)
Average Experience per Battle 1,650
Maximum Experience per Battle 4,590

Battle Performance

Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.61
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.93
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,349.66
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 4,988.61

Preferences in aircraft types

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
Fighters 344 (43%)
Multirole Fighters 97 (12%)
Heavy Fighters 164 (20%)
Attack Aircraft 22 (3%)
Bombers 176 (22%)

Preferences in aircraft nations

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
U.S.S.R. Aircraft 186 (23%)
Germany Aircraft 186 (23%)
U.S.A. Aircraft 105 (13%)
Japan Aircraft 1 (0%)
U.K. Aircraft 325 (40%)
China Aircraft 0 (0%)
Europe Aircraft 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Battles Fought
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets
Damage Caused to Ground Targets
Aerial Targets Destroyed
Ground Targets Destroyed
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Experience per Battle



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Aircraft Total Sorties Selected at the Start of a Battle Most Aerial Targets Destroyed per Sortie Most Ground Targets Destroyed per Sortie

Developed to replace the Ar 65. First flew in the fall of 1933. Being outperformed by the competing Ar 68, it never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.44 206
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 663.59 21,234
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5.07 162

Served in the British Royal Air Force in 1929–1937. A total of 443 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 33.00 33
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,201.52 2,201
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

One of the first designs of a fighter aircraft for the reviving Luftwaffe. The aircraft featured a parasol wing.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 16.50 33
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,307.91 2,615
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 12.65 25

Early version of the F2A Buffalo. A total of 11 aircraft of this modification were built for the U.S. Navy.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.00 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 539.72 1,619
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

First flew in February 1934. The experience gained during the Type 224 development was subsequently used to create the famous Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.82 75
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,123.80 12,361
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 45.00 494

Early modification of the P-40, also known as the Curtiss Model 81A-1. A total of 199 aircraft of this modification were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.78 156
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,348.23 36,402
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 25.57 690

Developed for export to the Belgian Air Force. A total of 4 prototypes were built and underwent trials in Great Britain, Belgium, and the U.S.S.R.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.00 15
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 660.94 3,304
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.52 2

Developed in 1934–1937, but never entered service due to lack of advantage over the mass-produced I-16. Only prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.17 179
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.07 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,005.98 29,173
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 93.19 2,702

The winner of the contest to become the principal fighter aircraft with the Luftwaffe. Early modifications were used in Spain and in the initial period of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.13 124
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 857.95 25,738
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.31 9

Went through trials in 1938 as a new fighter for the Royal Air Force, but was considered inferior to the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.39 588
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.02 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,161.13 126,563
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 24.93 2,717

First flown in March 1938. Widely used during the Battle of Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.21 267
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.02 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,741.72 74,894
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 99.52 4,279

Several A6M3 were experimentally fitted with 30 mm Type 2 autocannon. However, the trials revealed that the recoil of the 30 mm autocannon was too strong. As a result, the intention to equip the mass-produced A6M with this autocannon was abandoned.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.00 12
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,553.28 3,106
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Modification of the Messerschmitt fighter created after military operations in Spain. Extensively used by the Luftwaffe and the air forces of German allies.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 9.60 48
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,345.28 11,726
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6.80 34

Developed in 1940 as the I-26 high-speed fighter. One of the best Soviet fighters of the early years of World War II. A total of 8,734 aircraft of various modifications were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.31 138
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,313.26 34,144
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.65 16

Designed as a simplified modification for mass production. Underwent trials in 1940–1941, but never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.20 21
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,124.27 5,621
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The most advanced fighter of the Royal Air Force at the start of World War II. Widely used in the Dunkirk operation and the Battle of Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.87 331
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,297.67 88,241
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 28.91 1,965

Developed in 1940 as a high-altitude, high-speed interceptor. Extensively used in 1941–1942. Over 3,000 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.11 46
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.11 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,420.87 12,787
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 194.54 1,750

Designed as a promising interceptor fighter with a canard configuration. The first prototype took to the air in July 1943. The tests dragged on until December 1944 when the project was recognized as having no prospects.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.74 247
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.05 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,790.69 76,999
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 56.87 2,445

Created in 1943 on the basis of the Yak-1. Further improvements led to creation of the Yak-3.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.03 410
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,858.62 126,386
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 34.63 2,354

Created in 1943 on the basis of the Yak-1. One of the best Soviet fighters of 1944–1945. A total of 4,848 aircraft of this type were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.05 318
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.03 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,781.87 112,257
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 64.61 4,070

First mass-produced jet fighter built by the Allies. Mostly used for training. A total of 20 aircraft of this modification were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.00 12
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 4,128.32 8,256
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 158.70 317

Fighter powered by a liquid fuel rocket and ramjet engines whose design was first proposed in 1940. The aircraft was developed in 1942–1944. A glider prototype was built. The project was discontinued in 1944, because the engines were not ready for production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 8.29 58
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 3,343.76 23,406
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The first jet-powered fighter to enter service with the Soviet Air Force. Developed on the basis of the Yak-3 in 1946. A total of 280 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.14 393
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.08 5
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,643.84 169,205
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 183.53 11,746

Developed in 1946. The first Soviet jet-powered fighter of classic design. Only two prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 7.48 172
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.04 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 4,243.03 97,589
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 35.88 825

Developed in early 1926 as an all-metal version of the Gamecock fighter. Never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 7.17 43
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.67 4
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 461.63 2,769
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 853.52 5,121

Biplane fighter of the 1930s. Used mainly as a trainer in Luftwaffe flight schools.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.75 19
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.50 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 361.85 1,447
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 330.00 1,320

One of the main fighter aircraft of the Red Army Air Force in the early 1930s. Used during World War II on a limited basis.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.33 19
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 600.47 1,801
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 381.35 1,144

Fighter version of the Hawker Hart light bomber. First flew in 1933. A total of 305 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.15 63
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.95 19
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 288.09 5,761
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,209.91 24,198

Developed in the early 1930s as a high-speed fighter. Used in Spain in 1936, during the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol in 1939, and through World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.42 53
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.25 3
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 784.76 9,417
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 490.18 5,882

Developed as a multi-purpose aircraft for the Royal Air Force. The first prototype flew in February 1937, with total of 192 aircraft being built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.36 52
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 383.22 8,430
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 17.93 394

The main British fighter type of early World War II. The prototype first flew in November 1935. Widely used in the French campaign in 1940 and massively used in the Battle of Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.03 266
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.73 48
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 840.28 55,458
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,510.15 99,669

Modification of the LaGG-3 fighter. Used extensively for destroying aerial and ground targets, including armored targets.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.43 31
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,546.80 10,827
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 138.10 966

The best U.S. carrier-based fighter at the start of the war with Japan. Used from the outset through the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.18 105
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.65 11
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,540.37 26,186
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,145.54 36,474

One of the most widely produced United States Navy fighters of World War II. Used in both carrier- and land-based operations.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.25 268
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.86 44
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,642.64 83,774
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,522.31 179,637

Designed as an armored low- and mid-altitude fighter capable of engaging enemy aircraft in a maneuvering combat. The project was discontinued due to the achievement of air superiority by the Soviet Air Force in 1944.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.67 8
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.67 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,177.55 3,532
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,046.02 6,138

A further modification of the F4U. Used extensively in World War II against Japan and the Korean War. A total of 2,557 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.83 35
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.33 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,302.51 13,815
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,733.06 10,398

Created as a "strategic fighter," a concept popular in the interwar period. Successfully used in campaigns in Poland, France, and Norway.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.40 352
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.67 37
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,952.38 107,381
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,966.30 108,146

Modification of the Blenheim bomber into a long-range fighter or night fighter. A total of 60 aircraft were modified.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.07 71
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.50 7
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,617.14 22,639
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,123.36 43,727

First flew in July 1939. Used as a long-range fighter and night fighter. A total of 5,928 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.04 1,413
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.48 346
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,021.91 473,126
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5,364.20 1,255,223

During frontline trials, several attempts were made to modify the IL-2 by adding a rear gunner position.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.33 68
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.73 139
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 605.75 30,893
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 9,475.54 483,252

Developed by the Bristol company as Type 149. Featured a lengthened nose, which provided more comfortable conditions for a navigator. The first several Blenheim Mk.IVs inherited the defensive armament of the Blenheim Mk.I.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.42 17
Ground Targets Destroyed 8.38 335
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 93.42 3,736
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 13,245.02 529,800

The last and most advanced version of the Do 17 bomber. The prototype first took to the air in March 1938. It featured an absolutely new cockpit design, new engines, and enhanced defensive armament. A total of roughly 500 Do 17 Z aircraft in several versions were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Ground Targets Destroyed 9.00 54
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 19.49 116
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 14,695.88 88,175

A modification of one of the most well-known German World War II bombers. The He 111 H-2 entered mass production in September 1939. This aircraft differed from the early Не 111 in the engines and enhanced defensive armament. Over 500 aircraft of the H-2 series were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.20 30
Ground Targets Destroyed 9.16 1,355
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 77.83 11,519
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 19,952.21 2,952,927

Developed as an attack bomber to replace the Douglas A-20 Havoc serving the U.S. Air Force. The A-26B was the first aircraft in the series to enter mass production. A significant number of modifications were built based on the A-26B.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.51 62
Ground Targets Destroyed 9.17 376
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 699.33 28,672
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 29,473.14 1,208,398

Project for a high-speed reconnaissance bomber. Developed in 1945–1946 with the use of the German Jumo 004 engine. Development was discontinued in early 1946 as the Myasishchev design bureau was closed.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.62 5
Ground Targets Destroyed 9.00 72
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 649.43 5,195
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 45,050.51 360,404
The player HelloKittyAdventure does not have Tier aircraft that have flown more than sorties. Player HelloKittyAdventure has no aircraft of tier yet. The player HelloKittyAdventure does not have aircraft that have flown more than sorties.