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Position: Junior Officer

Days in clan: 1687

[KDHN] Die Krieger des Hohen Nordens

Position: Junior Officer

Days in clan: 1687

Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Most Damage per Battle,

Aircraft type efficiency


Multirole Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Attack Aircraft


Achievements 161/206

  • marcel
  • Marseille Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 17 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    Award +1
  • maccambell
  • McCampbell Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 10 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    The destroyed targets must include aircraft of all 5 types.

    Award +1
  • teamworkguru
  • Hero of the Sky Badge

    Awarded for earning the highest aircraft type grade in battle.

    Award +1
  • rocketeer
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target using a rocket.

  • dillei4
  • Johnson Medal Class IV

    Awarded for destroying at least 20 aircraft from the enemy combat group.

    Award +1
  • effective
  • Effective Fire

    Awarded for earning at least 5000 personal points in each of at least 2 battles played in a row.

    The count is reset if the player earns fewer than 5000 personal points in a single battle.

  • mastersofsky
  • Lords of the Sky

    Awarded to members of a Flight that destroyed at least 25 aerial targets.

    The count is reset if one of the Flight members is destroyed.

  • flameofheaven
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available once for each aircraft in the Hangar.

  • impactfromthesky
  • Successful Interception

    Awarded once for destroying an aircraft from an Attack Flight.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 18,620
Victories 11,532 (61.93%)
Draws 64 (0%)
Defeats 7,024 (38%)
Average Experience per Battle 1,719
Maximum Experience per Battle 8,759

Battle Performance

Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.12
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.58
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 672.80
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,434.22

Preferences in aircraft types

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
Fighters 4,843 (25%)
Multirole Fighters 2,639 (14%)
Heavy Fighters 1,776 (9%)
Attack Aircraft 8,954 (46%)
Bombers 1,129 (6%)

Preferences in aircraft nations

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
U.S.S.R. Aircraft 10,310 (53%)
Germany Aircraft 2,199 (11%)
U.S.A. Aircraft 1,923 (10%)
Japan Aircraft 1,464 (8%)
U.K. Aircraft 3,160 (16%)
China Aircraft 285 (1%)
Europe Aircraft 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Battles Fought
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets
Damage Caused to Ground Targets
Aerial Targets Destroyed
Ground Targets Destroyed
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Experience per Battle



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Aircraft Total Sorties Selected at the Start of a Battle Most Aerial Targets Destroyed per Sortie Most Ground Targets Destroyed per Sortie

The last biplane to enter service with the Luftwaffe. Used as a night fighter in Spain and in the initial period of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.34 7,725
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 5
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 582.19 709,101
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11.39 13,876

Served in the British Royal Air Force in 1929–1937. A total of 443 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.29 44
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 446.41 3,124
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Used widely during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The last biplane designed by Nakajima.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.48 136
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 499.98 10,499
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.52 11

Developed to replace the Ar 65. First flew in the fall of 1933. Being outperformed by the competing Ar 68, it never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 9.00 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 722.34 722
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The Hawker P.V.3 was developed as an enlarged version of the Hawker Fury fighter powered by a new engine with an enhanced armament of four machine guns. The single completed prototype was tested with several variants of the Goshawk engines in 1934–1935.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.76 1,066
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.01 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 799.73 147,949
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 17.40 3,218

Early version of the F2A Buffalo. A total of 11 aircraft of this modification were built for the U.S. Navy.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.83 88
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 411.48 9,463
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20.49 471

An export variant of the Model 75 aircraft. Used by the air forces of various countries throughout the world.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.14 1,602
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 707.61 273,846
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20.30 7,857

First flew in February 1934. The experience gained during the Type 224 development was subsequently used to create the famous Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.47 328
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 718.70 43,121
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 8.14 488

One of the mass-produced P-36As was experimentally redesigned into a version with heavy cannon armament. Following a cycle of tests, it was decided to revert to the initial version with machine gun armament.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.18 210
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 714.84 47,179
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 25.60 1,689

The Hawker Hurricane fighter of the No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron in the Royal Air Force. The squadron was actively involved in the Battle of Britain, claiming to have destroyed 126 German aircraft.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.29 1,792
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 629.96 342,698
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 7.23 3,932

Developed in 1934–1937, but never entered service due to lack of advantage over the mass-produced I-16. Only prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.94 547
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 593.48 110,386
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 17.60 3,273

Went through trials in 1938 as a new fighter for the Royal Air Force, but was considered inferior to the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.39 305
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.01 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 639.29 57,536
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 21.59 1,943

Early prototypes of the famous A6M Zero were equipped with Zuisei engines. First flew in April 1939.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.71 1,445
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 674.01 262,188
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 19.46 7,571

The most widely produced version of the Bf 109 E that was extensively used in the French campaign in 1940 and the Battle of Britain. A total of 1,868 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.17 31
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,349.19 8,095
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The most advanced fighter of the Royal Air Force at the start of World War II. Widely used in the Dunkirk operation and the Battle of Britain.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.57 1,854
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 811.10 421,770
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1.71 889

A further development of the LaGG-3 featuring an air-cooled engine and enhanced aerodynamics.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.04 158
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 876.18 45,561
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 40.69 2,116

This modification of the A6M confronted Allied fighters until the final days of WWII. A total of 10,449 aircraft of all variants were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.14 999
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 853.65 271,460
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.12 37

Developed in the United States on request of the Royal Air Force. Further modification resulted in the creation of the P-51 Mustang fighter and the A-36 Apache attack aircraft.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.90 267
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 864.62 79,544
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 4.80 441

Developed for the Japanese Air Force as a promising fighter based on the results of military use of the Ki-43 and Ki-61. The Ki-84 was considered the best mass-produced Japanese fighter during World War II. Over 3,500 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.66 2,476
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,206.47 815,572
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 35.18 23,784

One of the most successful modifications of the famous British fighter. A total of 5,656 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.72 6,216
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,177.78 1,966,899
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 16.77 27,997

Developed in 1942–1945 for the Imperial Japanese Navy as a successor to the A6M. Only 8 prototypes were produced and tested by the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.60 4,547
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,154.87 1,459,757
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 14.42 18,226

The most widely produced model of the Messerschmitt fighter. Used in all theaters of war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.70 34
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 699.54 13,990
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2.67 53

Entered service in the winter of 1944. A total of 957 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.79 5,864
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,415.92 2,190,434
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 23.82 36,847

Developed on the basis of the La-9. Operated in the Chinese Civil War and in the Korean War. A total of 1,182 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.93 240
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,014.20 83,164
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 43.70 3,583

Project for a high-speed well-armed fighter developed by the Tachikawa Aircraft Company in 1943–1945. By the end of World War II only prototypes were built that never took to the air.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.36 3,115
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,220.57 1,131,468
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 27.84 25,809

Prototype model of a mixed-power fighter. A total of 3 aircraft were built. Never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.58 199
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,244.37 95,816
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1.28 98

The first mass-produced modification of the DH.100 Vampire featuring the Goblin I engine. Entered service in April 1945. A total of 40 aircraft of the early F.1 series were built, but they did not see combat due to the end of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.64 142
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,663.59 64,880
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 55.55 2,166

Originally designed to reach a higher top speed record. Later improved on to become a full-featured fighter to replace the Bf 109. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.63 242
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.01 1
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,140.89 104,962
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2.16 199

Developed in 1946. The first Soviet jet-powered fighter of classic design. Only two prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.67 5,733
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,661.34 2,596,668
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 7.01 10,954

One of the main fighter aircraft of the Red Army Air Force in the early 1930s. Used during World War II on a limited basis.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 7.31 12,314
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.05 78
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 492.38 829,657
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 77.79 131,073

Biplane fighter of the 1930s. Used mainly as a trainer in Luftwaffe flight schools.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 11.50 23
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 870.61 1,741
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Early 1930s high specification biplane fighter. Saw extensive action in conflicts beyond the borders of the U.S.S.R.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.02 3,318
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.01 7
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 544.21 299,859
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 52.96 29,178

One of the best biplane fighters of the 1930s. Served through the end of 1941.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.78 923
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 607.01 117,153
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5.43 1,047

Developed as a multi-purpose aircraft for the Royal Air Force. The first prototype flew in February 1937, with total of 192 aircraft being built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.11 46
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 637.64 5,738
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed in the early 1930s as a high-speed fighter. Used in Spain in 1936, during the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol in 1939, and through World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.40 22
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.40 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 579.74 2,898
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 472.51 2,362

The LaGG-3 series 4 was fitted with a modified engine and carried more powerful armament compared to the early LaGG-3s. Extensively used in the initial period of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.67 1,959
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.15 112
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 575.68 422,545
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 995.02 730,341

Modification of the I-16 featuring more powerful weapons and improved performance.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.67 552
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.11 23
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 498.78 103,247
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 503.87 104,301

The last developed version of the I-207 fighter. The aircraft was supposed to have the properties of both high-speed monoplanes and maneuverable biplanes. The prototype was built by the spring of 1941, but the project was discontinued.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.92 1,102
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.02 8
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 522.24 196,884
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 38.53 14,525

Developed on request of the U.S. Army Air Corps after the production of the Р-43 Lancer and P-44 Rocket was discontinued. First flew in May 1941. A total of 171 P-47Bs were built and used for conducting flight trials and training of pilots.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.76 337
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.29 35
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 915.99 111,751
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,734.12 211,562

Developed in 1942 on the basis of the Yak-7. The most widely produced Soviet fighter. A total of 16,769 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.33 42
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 681.13 12,260
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed simultaneously with the Hawker Tornado as a high-speed interceptor. However, it proved most effective as a multirole fighter. Remained the main support aircraft in the Royal Air Force until the end of combat in Europe.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.07 788
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.12 31
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,120.39 287,939
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,477.72 379,773

A further modification of the Yak-9. Developed in 1943. Successfully used in 1944-1945 on the Soviet-German front. Produced until 1948.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.56 897
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,001.39 351,489
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 58.00 20,357

Version of the most widely-manufactured modification of the Fw 190 featuring more powerful wing-mounted weapons. Saw mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.71 76
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,089.37 30,502
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 217.96 6,102

A further modification of the F4U. Used extensively in World War II against Japan and the Korean War. A total of 2,557 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.98 814
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.08 21
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,103.76 301,325
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 819.26 223,658

Interceptor designed to counter U.S. bombing raids on the Japanese islands. Only two prototypes were finished before the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.89 613
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.02 4
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,275.44 270,392
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 394.44 83,620

Super Corsair, a high-speed modification of the famous F4U. Achieved fame as a trophy-winning air racer after World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.48 598
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.11 26
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,075.65 259,232
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,329.14 320,322

Blueprint created on the basis of German BMW 003 engines. Some of its concepts were later employed in the MiG-9 design.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.06 110
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,692.81 60,941
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 34.63 1,246

Jet-powered version of the J7W1. Remained in blueprint form by the time of Japan's surrender.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.90 145
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,356.18 67,808
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 418.60 20,929

Prototype built on the basis of the F-94B fighter and used as a test platform for various armament configurations. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.06 3,111
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 3
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,949.63 1,982,775
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 29.49 29,986

An armed scout aircraft developed during creation of the light transport aircraft Ao 192 CA. No prototype was built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 5.63 783
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.39 54
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 618.15 85,922
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 591.31 82,192

Twin-engine heavy fighter. One of the first Zerstörer concepts developed for the Luftwaffe.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.80 1,549
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.70 286
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 727.86 296,966
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,526.28 622,721

Modification of the Blenheim bomber into a long-range fighter or night fighter. A total of 60 aircraft were modified.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.76 1,703
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.40 248
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 744.08 459,099
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,883.43 1,162,073

First flew in July 1939. Used as a long-range fighter and night fighter. A total of 5,928 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.80 2,170
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.56 435
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 921.36 713,130
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,426.93 1,878,442

A forced upgrade of the 110 by the Messerschmitt company due to the failed creation of the Me 210. Used both offensively and as a night fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.56 25
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.12 2
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 683.57 10,937
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 438.02 7,008

Heavy fighter-bomber, a further development of the Zerstörer concept. Used mainly on the Western Front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.76 1,570
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.37 210
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,204.17 685,170
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,371.34 1,349,294

Canadian-built version of the Mosquito FB VI. A significant number of the Mosquito FB Mk.26 were delivered to China after the end of the war against Japan.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.84 195
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.62 66
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 730.06 77,385
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 4,839.26 512,961

Developed as a heavy escort fighter. The XP-75 prototypes underwent trials in 1943–1944 but never entered mass production. A total of 13 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.75 682
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.07 17
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,356.51 336,414
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 723.95 179,540

Designed as a heavy carrier-based fighter for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. First flew in November 1943. A total of 364 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.52 1,787
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.30 210
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,241.09 881,171
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,790.05 1,980,937

The world's first jet-powered fighter to enter mass production. The start of development was delayed by the interference of German top leadership who demanded a bomber variant to be developed first.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.18 72
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,548.87 51,112
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 326.25 10,766

Experimental U.S. Navy fighter with unique configuration. Never saw combat due to the introduction of jet-powered aircraft.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.08 1,513
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.15 75
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,699.72 836,259
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,159.93 1,062,685

Developed as a high-speed heavy fighter-bomber. The prototype first took to the air on October 26, 1943. A series of about 12 Do 335 A-1s were built by the end of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.30 519
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.19 44
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,344.52 303,861
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,847.22 417,472

Further modification of the twin-engine P-38 Lightning fighter. The only completed prototype was tested in 1944.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.95 342
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,095.25 243,048
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 187.70 21,773

Developed in the early 1930s as a heavy armored attack aircraft for the Red Army Air Force.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.91 125
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.45 473
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 194.87 26,696
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5,793.35 793,688

In 1936, the Soviet Union purchased from the U.S. a production license for the Vultee V-11 attack bomber. Redesigned as the BSh-1, it underwent trials in 1937–1939.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Single-seat heavily armored attack aircraft. Prototype model of the IL-2, which first flew on 12 October 1940.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.57 2,741
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.96 18,953
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 163.27 782,397
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 8,691.07 41,647,610

A drastic modification of the IL-2 developed in 1944. Used in the final stages of World War II and during the Korean War.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.54 2,543
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.59 21,611
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 329.60 1,552,082
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 21,790.57 102,611,789

A drastic modification of the IL-2 attack aircraft, it had much heavier armor to increase durability. Bomb capacity was also increased.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.37 532
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.60 6,635
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 232.94 335,896
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 24,036.73 34,660,970

A tailless design for a multirole attack aircraft. Development began in 1942 but was never completed.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.55 460
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.57 2,960
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 340.52 282,294
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 17,654.01 14,635,173

Experimental attack aircraft. It featured a wider visual field which allowed for better targeting. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.39 1,174
Ground Targets Destroyed 5.69 17,231
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 273.89 829,051
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 30,505.23 92,339,321

A modification of the IL-10 featuring greater firepower and improved handling, the IL-10M went into mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.53 309
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.30 1,936
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 405.71 237,747
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 22,106.16 12,954,208

Designed simultaneously with the Me 265 as a new multirole attack aircraft for the Luftwaffe. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.51 92
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.62 648
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 453.21 81,124
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20,609.64 3,689,125

Developed from the Me 262 as a multirole aircraft with different armament variants. Development was discontinued as the war had ended.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.54 686
Ground Targets Destroyed 5.11 6,476
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 544.15 689,432
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 31,380.28 39,758,810

Heavily armed and armored high-speed attack aircraft with tandem seating. Developed in 1953–1956.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.53 2,047
Ground Targets Destroyed 5.44 20,933
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 523.09 2,014,418
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 30,451.62 117,269,191

Developed on the basis of the IL-40 with major construction faults corrected. A total of 7 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.47 446
Ground Targets Destroyed 6.22 5,964
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 537.09 515,072
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 32,121.81 30,804,812

Due to problems with the diesel engines on the early Ju 86, it was decided to replace them with the radial BMW 132. The new modification—the Ju 86 E—served with the Luftwaffe until it was replaced by more advanced He 111 bombers.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.90 39
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 65.84 658
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6,574.62 65,746

Developed by the Bristol company as Type 149. Featured a lengthened nose, which provided more comfortable conditions for a navigator. The first several Blenheim Mk.IVs inherited the defensive armament of the Blenheim Mk.I.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.05 56
Ground Targets Destroyed 8.78 9,442
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 36.15 38,864
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 12,476.76 13,412,517

A drastic modification of the SB bomber built with the aim of improving its combat performance. First flew in 1940. A total of about 200 aircraft were built and saw combat along with the SB.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.02 4
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.93 1,124
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 15.83 3,608
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 10,311.67 2,351,061

The last and most advanced version of the Do 17 bomber. The prototype first took to the air in March 1938. It featured an absolutely new cockpit design, new engines, and enhanced defensive armament. A total of roughly 500 Do 17 Z aircraft in several versions were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.03 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.05 158
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 19.54 761
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 9,224.46 359,754

The main Soviet tactical bomber of World War II. The prototype first flew in December 1939. Over 11,000 Pe-2s of various modifications were built and saw extensive action throughout World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.33 14
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.14 178
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 109.79 4,720
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,365.25 488,705

Developed as an attack bomber to replace the Douglas A-20 Havoc serving the U.S. Air Force. The A-26B was the first aircraft in the series to enter mass production. A significant number of modifications were built based on the A-26B.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.52 15
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.31 67
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 327.54 9,498
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,559.68 335,230

The Do 217 M was a variant of the mass-produced Do 217 K with the DB 603 engine instead of the BMW 801 that was in great demand for fighters. Both bomber variants were used mainly on the Western Front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.04 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.57 621
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 54.46 7,406
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 16,040.27 2,181,476

Designed to the same specifications as the well-known B-29 Superfortress. However, the development of the B-32 was slow due to technical issues. Saw limited action during raids on Japan before the end of the war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.23 175
Ground Targets Destroyed 5.07 3,777
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 220.16 164,020
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20,903.78 15,573,312
The player jacky1963 does not have Tier aircraft that have flown more than sorties. Player jacky1963 has no aircraft of tier yet. The player jacky1963 does not have aircraft that have flown more than sorties.