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Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Most Damage per Battle,

Aircraft type efficiency


Multirole Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Attack Aircraft


Achievements 58/190

  • fighterdominator
  • Flying Warrior Badge

    Awarded for achieving maximum effectiveness in fulfilling the aircraft type-specific mission "Air Battle for Sectors".

  • rocketeer
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target using a rocket.

  • dillei4
  • Johnson Medal Class IV

    Awarded for destroying at least 20 aircraft from the enemy combat group.

    Award +1
  • effective
  • Effective Fire

    Awarded for earning at least 5000 personal points in each of at least 2 battles played in a row.

    The count is reset if the player earns fewer than 5000 personal points in a single battle.

  • flameofheaven
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available once for each aircraft in the Hangar.

  • impactfromthesky
  • Successful Interception

    Awarded once for destroying an aircraft from an Attack Flight.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 547
Victories 222 (40.59%)
Draws 2 (0%)
Defeats 323 (59%)
Average Experience per Battle 889
Maximum Experience per Battle 2,623

Battle Performance

Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.14
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.06
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 548.52
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 262.44

Preferences in aircraft types

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
Fighters 68 (12%)
Multirole Fighters 167 (30%)
Heavy Fighters 313 (57%)
Attack Aircraft 0 (0%)
Bombers 0 (0%)

Preferences in aircraft nations

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
U.S.S.R. Aircraft 32 (6%)
Germany Aircraft 200 (36%)
U.S.A. Aircraft 303 (55%)
Japan Aircraft 0 (0%)
U.K. Aircraft 13 (2%)
China Aircraft 0 (0%)
Europe Aircraft 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
  • Data as of

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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Battles Fought
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets
Damage Caused to Ground Targets
Aerial Targets Destroyed
Ground Targets Destroyed
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Experience per Battle



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Aircraft Total Sorties Selected at the Start of a Battle Most Aerial Targets Destroyed per Sortie Most Ground Targets Destroyed per Sortie

One of the most successful fighters of the prewar period. Served in the air forces of the United States, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and China.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.50 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 471.38 2,828
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed on the basis of the P-36. Most extensively used against Japan during the Pacific War and in China, and on the Soviet-German front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.50 3
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 216.28 1,297
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 137.45 824

Developed in 1941 to replace the Spitfire I and Spitfire II. Widely used in Europe and North Africa.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.05 20
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 480.25 9,124
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The most widely produced model of the Messerschmitt fighter. Used in all theaters of war.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.66 21
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 298.26 9,544
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

One of the most famous American fighters during World War II. Used extensively in Europe and in the later stages of the war against Japan.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.81 86
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 319.23 33,838
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 14.45 1,532

The fastest Mustang and one of the fastest piston fighters in the world. A total of 555 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.86 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 259.17 1,814
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Fighter version of the Hawker Hart light bomber. First flew in 1933. A total of 305 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.10 11
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 106.33 1,063
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 10.39 103

Modification of the I-16 featuring more powerful weapons and improved performance.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.91 75
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.06 5
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 212.18 17,398
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 131.25 10,762

One of the most widely produced United States Navy fighters of World War II. Used in both carrier- and land-based operations.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.20 394
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.03 10
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 526.99 172,324
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 208.09 68,044

A further modification of the F4U. Used extensively in World War II against Japan and the Korean War. A total of 2,557 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.56 22
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 406.02 15,834
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 104.26 4,066

Created as a "strategic fighter," a concept popular in the interwar period. Successfully used in campaigns in Poland, France, and Norway.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.31 389
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.09 27
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 373.14 111,196
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 187.29 55,811

A forced upgrade of the 110 by the Messerschmitt company due to the failed creation of the Me 210. Used both offensively and as a night fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.92 175
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.19 37
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 326.73 62,405
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 701.89 134,060

Designed as a heavy carrier-based fighter for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. First flew in November 1943. A total of 364 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.31 501
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.04 14
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,013.92 386,302
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 313.64 119,497
The player Outlaw_79 does not have Tier aircraft that have flown more than sorties. Player Outlaw_79 has no aircraft of tier yet. The player Outlaw_79 does not have aircraft that have flown more than sorties.