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Position: Private

Days in clan: 4525

[WG] Wargaming.net

Position: Private

Days in clan: 4525

Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Most Damage per Battle,

Aircraft type efficiency


Multirole Fighters

Heavy Fighters

Attack Aircraft


Achievements 85/201

  • maccambell
  • McCampbell Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 10 aerial targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    The destroyed targets must include aircraft of all 5 types.

    Award +1
  • lang
  • Lang Medal

    Awarded for destroying at least 15 enemy ground targets in a single sortie and winning the battle.

    Award +1
  • teamworkguru
  • Hero of the Sky Badge

    Awarded for earning the highest aircraft type grade in battle.

    Award +1
  • rocketeer
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target using a rocket.

  • dillei4
  • Johnson Medal Class IV

    Awarded for destroying at least 20 aircraft from the enemy combat group.

    Award +1
  • effective
  • Effective Fire

    Awarded for earning at least 5000 personal points in each of at least 2 battles played in a row.

    The count is reset if the player earns fewer than 5000 personal points in a single battle.

  • flameofheaven
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an aerial target aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available once for each aircraft in the Hangar.

  • impactfromthesky
  • Successful Interception

    Awarded once for destroying an aircraft from an Attack Flight.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 220
Victories 113 (51.36%)
Draws 2 (1%)
Defeats 105 (48%)
Average Experience per Battle 1,950
Maximum Experience per Battle 5,292

Battle Performance

Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.16
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.11
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,100.01
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6,074.31

Preferences in aircraft types

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
Fighters 65 (30%)
Multirole Fighters 33 (15%)
Heavy Fighters 44 (20%)
Attack Aircraft 24 (11%)
Bombers 49 (23%)

Preferences in aircraft nations

Aircraft selection in Hangar or during a battle, excluding respawns
U.S.S.R. Aircraft 5 (2%)
Germany Aircraft 81 (38%)
U.S.A. Aircraft 76 (35%)
Japan Aircraft 6 (3%)
U.K. Aircraft 7 (3%)
China Aircraft 26 (12%)
Europe Aircraft 14 (7%)


Hall of Fame
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Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Battles Fought
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets
Damage Caused to Ground Targets
Aerial Targets Destroyed
Ground Targets Destroyed
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Experience per Battle



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Aircraft Total Sorties Selected at the Start of a Battle Most Aerial Targets Destroyed per Sortie Most Ground Targets Destroyed per Sortie

Several A6M3 were experimentally fitted with 30 mm Type 2 autocannon. However, the trials revealed that the recoil of the 30 mm autocannon was too strong. As a result, the intention to equip the mass-produced A6M with this autocannon was abandoned.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.00 3
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 282.86 848
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The developer was looking for ways to improve aircraft characteristics based on feedback from the pilots who flew various modifications of the P-39 Airacobra.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.11 37
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 965.51 8,689
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Designed for the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force as a heavily armed interceptor. Development was discontinued during the prototype stage.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.25 5
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 402.33 1,609
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 8.67 34

First flew in December 1941. Different modifications of the Ki-61 were extensively used during the Pacific War from the early 1943 and through the final days of World War II. Over 3,000 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.00 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 574.13 1,722
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

A significant number of the P-39 Airacobra were supplied to the U.S.S.R. under the Lend-Lease program. The P-39Q-15 was a lighter version that had no wing-mounted weapons.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 12.00 12
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,267.48 2,267
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 799.23 799

Developed for the Japanese Air Force as a promising fighter based on the results of military use of the Ki-43 and Ki-61. The Ki-84 was considered the best mass-produced Japanese fighter during World War II. Over 3,500 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.50 14
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,620.16 6,480
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed on the basis of the La-9. Operated in the Chinese Civil War and in the Korean War. A total of 1,182 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 11.00 11
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,259.07 2,259
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 593.99 593

Rocket-powered interceptor based on German documentation. First flew in July 1945. A total of 7 prototypes were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.00 4
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,470.89 2,470
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Derived from the training aircraft JJ-1, it never went past the initial concept phase.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.12 178
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,508.37 85,977
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1.46 82

First mass-produced jet fighter used by the U.S. Army Air Force. The P-80A equipped several squadrons during World War II, but they did not see combat due to the end of the war. Later the designation was changed to F-80A. A total of 344 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.00 32
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,937.43 15,499
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 9.33 74

Entered service in the winter of 1944. A total of 957 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.57 18
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 993.88 6,957
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

The first jet-powered U.S. Navy fighter to feature an afterburner and composite construction. Entered serial production, but never saw combat.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.82 107
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,411.79 53,647
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 18.38 698

Developed as a parasite fighter designed to be carried by a heavy bomber and defend the latter against enemy attacks. It underwent trials in 1948–1949, but never entered service. Two prototypes were handed over to museums.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.94 50
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,356.32 23,057
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed in 1941 as a specialized anti-tank aircraft on the basis of the Hawker Hurricane fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.33 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 133.54 400
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 22.98 68

Developed in 1939 as an alternative to the Bf 109 that served in the Luftwaffe. The Fw 190 entered mass production in 1941.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.50 3
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 431.58 863
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

A further modification of the Fw 190 featuring heavier armament and a more powerful engine. Entered service in the spring of 1943. Used extensively as a multirole fighter.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 4.00 4
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,021.83 2,021
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Version of the most widely-manufactured modification of the Fw 190 featuring more powerful wing-mounted weapons. Saw mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.92 38
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,217.06 15,821
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed by the Republic Aviation Corporation in 1944 to keep the P-47 competitive with the P-51 Mustang fighter, which was introduced into service with the U.S. Army Air Force. A total of 1,816 P-47Ns were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.00 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 900.90 1,801
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

A further development of the P-47 Thunderbolt concept featuring a new Pratt & Whitney R-4360 engine. Two prototypes built were tested in 1944–1945. Never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.33 10
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,513.49 4,540
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed by the Supermarine company on the basis of the Spiteful fighter. Underwent trials in 1945–1949 but never entered service.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 6.00 12
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,436.16 2,872
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Super Corsair, a high-speed modification of the famous F4U. Achieved fame as a trophy-winning air racer after World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.50 30
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.55 11
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 685.30 13,706
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 6,485.29 129,705

Prototype built on the basis of the F-94B fighter and used as a test platform for various armament configurations. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.51 98
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,565.38 61,049
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed on the basis of the Do 17 Z bomber as a heavy night fighter. Featured more powerful weapons and reduced bomb load.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 7.00 7
Ground Targets Destroyed 4.00 4
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,389.68 1,389
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5,531.00 5,530

Developed from 1934 as a multipurpose aircraft with the ability to perform as both a fighter and a ground forces support aircraft. Only two prototypes were built and tested before World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.25 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.75 3
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 369.84 1,479
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 870.23 3,480

Modification of the serial Bf 110 equipped with a 30 mm MK-101 antitank cannon. A total of 12 aircraft were produced during May–July 1940.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.67 2
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 226.56 679
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Development was started before the occupation of France. The prototype first flew in the summer of 1945. A total of 200 aircraft were ordered. However, due to the development of jet aircraft and decreasing interest in the project, only 2 prototypes and a series of 4 aircraft were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 3.80 76
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,751.69 35,033
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.06 1

Designed as a heavy carrier-based fighter for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. First flew in November 1943. A total of 364 aircraft were produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.40 24
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,475.65 14,756
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed as a high-speed heavy fighter-bomber. The prototype first took to the air on October 26, 1943. A series of about 12 Do 335 A-1s were built by the end of World War II.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.23 134
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.07 64
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,289.24 77,354
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 8,071.10 484,265

The world's first jet-powered fighter to enter mass production. The start of development was delayed by the interference of German top leadership who demanded a bomber variant to be developed first.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.25 18
Ground Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 2,322.87 18,582
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 0.00 0

Developed as a high-speed two-seat attack aircraft with two prototypes produced.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.00 0
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.67 5
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 25.58 76
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 1,269.17 3,807

Armored attack aircraft first flown in May 1939. A total of 865 aircraft of all modifications were built.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.83 11
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.00 6
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 853.15 5,118
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 3,789.46 22,736

A modification of the IL-10 featuring greater firepower and improved handling, the IL-10M went into mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.50 9
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.33 14
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 934.24 5,605
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 25,836.82 155,020

Designed simultaneously with the Me 265 as a new multirole attack aircraft for the Luftwaffe. Never entered mass production.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.17 7
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.67 10
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 356.68 2,140
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,013.51 66,081

Attack aircraft designed for a wide range of missions. The single completed prototype was tested in 1947–1948.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.30 13
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.10 11
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 730.85 7,308
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,789.34 117,893

Developed from the Me 262 as a multirole aircraft with different armament variants. Development was discontinued as the war had ended.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.30 26
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.75 35
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,507.08 30,141
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 18,557.69 371,153

Preliminary design for a heavy multirole jet aircraft. Never went past the initial concept phase.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 2.00 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.33 10
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 1,654.25 4,962
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 22,977.43 68,932

Developed by the Bristol company as Type 149. Featured a lengthened nose, which provided more comfortable conditions for a navigator. The first several Blenheim Mk.IVs inherited the defensive armament of the Blenheim Mk.I.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.25 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.75 7
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 83.85 335
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 2,450.57 9,802

The most mass-produced modification of the Ju 88. Mass production started in March 1939, and by 1940–1941, the Ju 88 A became the main bomber type in the Luftwaffe. The aircraft was widely used on all fronts and was also supplied to the allies of Germany.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.25 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.75 11
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 48.51 194
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 16,077.18 64,308

The B-17D modification was developed in February 1941. Most of these bombers were sent to the U.S. air bases in the Pacific, where the beginning of the war with Japan found them.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.09 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.64 18
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 73.69 810
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 5,744.80 63,192

Developed as an attack bomber to replace the Douglas A-20 Havoc serving the U.S. Air Force. The A-26B was the first aircraft in the series to enter mass production. A significant number of modifications were built based on the A-26B.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 1.81 49
Ground Targets Destroyed 1.78 48
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 842.37 22,743
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 11,694.53 315,752

The Do 217 M was a variant of the mass-produced Do 217 K with the DB 603 engine instead of the BMW 801 that was in great demand for fighters. Both bomber variants were used mainly on the Western Front.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.13 6
Ground Targets Destroyed 5.78 260
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 118.91 5,351
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20,789.53 935,528

It was created to replace the Ju 88 in the Luftwaffe under the Bomber B design competition. However, a number of technical problems and changes in requirements from the Ministry of Aviation (RLM) did not allow the model to be launched into production. Several pre-production prototypes were tested.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.14 1
Ground Targets Destroyed 3.43 24
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 142.52 997
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 15,505.33 108,537

Project for a high-speed reconnaissance bomber. Developed in 1945–1946 with the use of the German Jumo 004 engine. Development was discontinued in early 1946 as the Myasishchev design bureau was closed.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per sortie Total
Aerial Targets Destroyed 0.50 3
Ground Targets Destroyed 2.50 15
Damage Caused to Aerial Targets 429.92 2,579
Damage Caused to Ground Targets 20,203.18 121,219
The player Falathi does not have Tier aircraft that have flown more than sorties. Player Falathi has no aircraft of tier yet. The player Falathi does not have aircraft that have flown more than sorties.