We’re proud to announce the public test of Update 1.9. If you’re looking to try out all the new features of the upcoming version before its official release, then the public test server is the place to be.
Not only is this a great opportunity to get a glimpse of the game’s future, but you will also be able to actively influence the final look of the update by providing valuable feedback to our developers. With your help, they will be able to test the newly created features and smooth out whatever rough edges still remain, based on the findings of the public test participants.
Main Features of the Update 1.9:
- Modifications to the weapons, firing systems and damage mechanics
- Improved bots
- Changes to equipment
Please find the full list of changes in the Patch Notes section below.
How the Public Test Works
When it is time to run a public test, the developers will release a test version of the client. This can be downloaded by following the instructions below. Make sure that you follow all of the instructions carefully, so that you don’t accidentally cause problems for your normal play account.
The test account is completely separate to your normal account. It will have a set of special rules for crediting experience, credits and gold. This will allow you to unlock all the contents of the game more quickly, in order for you to be able to fully test the new features.
As such you will receive:
2000 for your 1st victory of the day
5000 for your 10th victory of the day
Additionally, the following multipliers will be applied on the public test server:
Plane Tier
XP Multiplier
Credits Multiplier
Your test account will be a copy of your play account as it was on 1 September 2015. This means that all the planes purchased or researched on your regular account by this date will also be available on the public test account from the start.
The progress achieved on the test server will not carry over to your regular World of Warplanes account.
Financial transactions are not possible on the test server and payments will not be accepted.
Public Test General Rules
Participation in the World of Warplanes Public Test is free. All players are eligible to take part in the public test as long as they registered before 1 September 2015.
The test server will run all day long without interruptions or resets. We will communicate in advance when the testing period will end and when the public test will be closed.
How to Join the Public Test
1. Download the test client installer.
2. Make sure you select a save location that is different to your regular World of Warplanes game files. Save and run the installer (1.9 SD - 4.8 GB, 1.9. HD – 6.5 GB).
3. Run the new copy of the game. The launcher will download all the additional data.
4. Log in and start playing. Remember to post your feedback on this forum thread.
New Public Test Battle Missions and Achievements
After the single Public Test participation emblem for Version 1.6, we're continuing the tradition with Update 1.9.
From now on, every Public Test will contain a set of version-specific Battle Missions that will be uniquely tailored to the content of the update that needs testing. If you complete the minimum requirements of these battle missions (which will vary from test to test), you’ll not only be granted rewards on the Public Test itself, but also be able to unlock progressively greater achievements that will carry over to the live server.
There will be a total of ten Public Test participation achievements ranked from X-I, each with its own medal. Every Public Test, you’ll be able to unlock a new rank. That means that, ideally, if you complete the required number of battle missions at every testing opportunity, you can make it to the highest rank and score the rank I test participation medal ten versions from now. Naturally, however, you can begin collecting these achievements at any moment. The sequence starts whenever you finish the required number of missions for this test as well as any other Public Test in the future.
Check out the medals below!
Public Test Participation Medals (Achievements)
Rank X
Rank VI-IV
Rank III-I




Available Battle Missions
With the Public Test of Update 1.9, there will be a variety of special missions only available during this time. Complete them to earn some great rewards! Remember: All rewards are only granted during the Public Test!
Thank you for taking part in the public test. Good luck and have fun!
1.9 Patch Notes
- Fixed the bug: matchmaker was creating battles with 1 player per team when queue still had players. Matchmaker will be forming teams of the max available number of players in queue and add bots as and when necessary.
- Fixed the problem when bots in attack planes ignored some ground objects.
- Reduced shooting accuracy for bots with medium skill level.
- More variants of climb angle in the beginning of the battle.
- Tester emblems of different game stages (alpha, beta) and Super tester emblems were removed from the list of emblems available for bots.
- Set of bots' phrases added for usage in the battle chat.
Equipment and Consumables
- Fix for the "Pneumatic engine restarter" and "First aid kit" consumables characteristics. Now they can be used only once per battle.
- Clarification for certain types of equipment: "Ordnance Delivery Sight" impossible to mount on planes with no outboard rockets and/or bombs, "Turret stabilization" - impossible to mount on planes without turret (rear gun), regardless of the plane class. Impossible to mount "Engine Tuning" on J8M Shusui.
- Changed visualization system for ammo belts features.
- The problem with inactive Shift button was fixed.
Shooting Systems and Damage Models
Weapons and Shooting System Changes
- All weapons in the game have been completely reconfigured: damage changes, fire range, dispersion, rate of fire.
- More pronounced differences between machine guns, cannons and large-caliber cannons:
- Machine guns, as it was before, designed for a comfortable engagement of the enemy at close range with continuously pointed fire.
- Cannons of caliber 20-23mm now deal more significant damage with each hit and can destroy the enemy at longer ranges.
- 30-37 mm large-caliber cannons (heavy cannons) deal vast damage with each shot. Hits will cause critical damage to plane modules or, in some cases, may cause complete destruction. Highest single-hit damage rate of this weapons will be compensated by short bursts and low rate of fire.
- The impact of forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) to the flight performance was changed. Now weapon improvement in the same cell of the plane's module tree for the weapon of the same caliber will not lead to the decrease of flight performance (as a rule).
Changes to the Damage Model
- The system of damage and critical hits was completely changed. The damage will be dealt in more predictable and clear way, and critical hits of modules will significantly change the behaviour of the aircraft in battle.
- A critical hit to a particular module dramatically reduces its flight characteristic parameter. This state is shown as red on the battle interface.
- Severe ("red") critical damage of particular module recovers to the medium ("yellow") damage state after a certain time or after using the corresponding consumable. After that, the correspondent flight characteristic will be refined but still not to the initial state. This state will be shown as "yellow" on the battle interface. Full recovery of the critically damaged module is impossible.
- Mounting of the corresponding equipment reduces the probability of receiving critical damage.
- Critical damage can be dealt to the following modules of the plane:
- Wings — significant decrease of roll manoeuvrability;
- Tail — significant decrease of pitch and yaw manoeuvrability;
- Engines — when severely damaged - impossible to use boost, engine stops. After recovery into "yellow" state - reduced boost time, rate of cooling and engine power.
- Pilot — significantly reduced shooting accuracy, gets reduced skills effectiveness.
- Rear gunner — when heavily wounded - stops fire, gets reduced skills effectiveness. When moderately wounded - shooting with reduced efficiency.
- Critical damages can be dealt by forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons), rear guns (turrets) and AAA, fire, collision, and by damages related to bomb or rocket splashes.
- Changes to the chance of planes ignition. In general, fires will occur more frequently.
Crew Perks Changes
Due to the update of the critical damage mechanics the following crew skills were changed: "Fire Fighting", "Veteran" and "Stamina".
- Completely trained «Fire Fighting» reduces the fire duration by 50%.
- Completely trained «Veteran» reduces the negative effect of critical hits to the plane characteristics by 15%.
- Completely trained «Stamina» reduces the probability of crew injury by 20%.
System of Equipment and Consumables
Ammo Belts Changes
In Update 1.9, we have reworked the system of ammunition belts. The main goal of this change is to simplify working with belts and to provide players with more variable choice of ammo types for particular plane and game style.
In this regard the following changes were made:
- Standard belts for all types of weapons are now free. The chance to critically damage and set the enemy plane on fire is basic for particular type of weapon when firing with standard belts.
- Standard belts cannot be removed from service, only replaced by improved ones. Standard belts are mounted automatically when improved belts are removed from service.
- All types of weapon now have 4 types of improved belts: universal (available for credits), and 3 special ones (available for gold only):
- Universal - improved belt type, insignificantly increases probability to deal critical damage and the probability of fire.
- HEI (High Explosive Incendiary) — special belt type, significantly increases the probability of fire.
- HE (High Explosive) — special belt type, significantly increases chance of critical damage. Anti-aircraft type of ammunition. Not available for attack planes.
- API (Armour-Piercing Incendiary) — special belt type, increases the damage dealt to armoured ground targets. Effective against armoured ground targets. Not available for fighters.
- All ammo belts mounted on players' planes or stored in the Depot will be removed and compensated - full cost in credits.
- Vast majority of belts available for gold will get discount price, lower than the previous price.
- New equipment item "Rear Gun Stabilization" added - increases the range of turret fire by 15%. Available for mounting on heavy fighters and attack planes with rear guns (turrets).
- All equipment items previously available as a reward for special event missions are now available for the purchase in the client:
- "Engine Tuning";
- "Improved Flaps";
- "Control Surface Adjustment";
- "Concealing Livery";
- "Improved Aircraft Polish";
- "Improved Covering";
- "Ordnance Delivery Sight";
- "Lightweight Airframe";
- "Improved Radiator";
- "Reinforced Airframe".
- Some types of equipment, which previously could be mounted on particular plane class only, now can be mounted on other plane classes:
- "Control Surface Adjustment" — can be mounted on fighters and multirole fighters. Previously was available for fighters only.
- "Concealing Livery" — can be mounted on attack planes and multirole fighters. Previously was available for multirole fighters only.
- "Reinforced Airframe" — can be mounted on attack planes and heavy fighters. Previously was available for attack planes only.
- "Ordnance Delivery Sight" — can be mounted on attack planes, heavy and multirole fighters which can carry bomb and/or rockets. Previously was available for heavy fighters only.
- Insignificantly improved characteristics for the following equipment items:
- "Reinforced Airframe" — increasing of HP changed from +5% to +10%;
- "Concealing Livery" — decrease of effective AAA and rare guns (turrets) was changed from 20% to 30%
- Equipment characteristics for "Improved Covering" and "Additional Armor Plates" were updated to support new system of critical damage.
- All types of equipment "Reinforced Covering" were replaced with "Improved Covering" of the corresponding tier and updated characteristics.
Changes for Consumables
New consumables available for the purchase in the client:
- "Automatic Engine Restarter". Restores damaged engine. Used automatically.
- "Control Surface Trim". Reduces effect of critical hit. Partially restores damaged tail or wings.
- "Control Surface Autotrim". Automatically restores of damaged wings and tail.
The list consumables previously available as reward for special event's missions and now available for the purchase in client:
- "Engine Ventilation"
- "Engine Cooling"
- "Weapons Ventilation"
- "Weapons Cooling"
- "Reinforced Control Surfaces"
- "Heavy Duty Control Surfaces"
- Now it is impossible to mount the basic equipment item and its improved variant (available for gold) at the same time:
- "First Aid Kit" + "First Aid Dressing Package"
- "Manual Fire Extinguishers + "Automatic Fire Extinguishers"
- "Pneumatic Restarter" + "Automatic Engine Restarter"
- "Engine Ventilation" + "Engine Cooling"
- "Weapons Ventilation" + "Weapons Cooling"
- "Reinforced Control Surfaces" + "Heavy Duty Control Surfaces"
- "Control Surface Trim" + "Control Surface Autotrim"
Improved equipment, which was previously available for credits and for gold, now will be available for gold only.
Equipment prices were changed according to the new mechanics of critical hits and fires. The cost of different equipment types meets their value in battle. Discount price for all equipment types available for gold was reduced from 50 to 25.
Equipment Removal and Compensation
- Equipment item «Reinforced Covering» replaced with «Improved Covering».
- Equipment item «Armored Plexiglass» mounted on planes or stored in the Depot was removed and compensated - full cost in credits.
- Info window with notification about removal and compensation added.
- Equipment item "Aircraft Polish" removed from heavy fighters and attack planes and stored in Depot due to the characteristics change.
System Balance Changes
- All types of forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) were completely reconfigured (cannons and machine guns).
- The impact of forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) on flight characteristics was changed. It will cause some minor changes of planes manoeuvrability.
Planes' Balance Changes
- To increase the comfort of ground attack we have changed the manoeuvrability of all attack planes: increased control, reduced MIN stall speed, insignificantly reduced speed. Increased HP. Changes were applied to the following planes: Fi-98, TSh-2, Pegasus, Ha 137, Ha 137 V1, TSh-3, BSh-1, Wirraway, Fw 189C, LBSh, BSh-2, Ju 87G, Hs 129B, Il-2, Il-2 (mod.), Ju 88P, Il-2 (d.), Me 265, Il-8, Il-10, Me 329, Il-20. NC 1070, Me P.1099B-2, Il-40, Me P.1102B, Il-40p.
- Some changes applied to the "available engine boost time period" - "its cooling period" ratio for all jet planes. Engine boost period reduced and its restoration (cooling) period significantly shortened, what will allow to use it more often. Jet planes will also be getting out of stall faster. Changes will be applied to the following planes: Meteor I, Yak-15, Bf 109TL, Me 262, P.1056, LA-160, Yak-19, MiG-9, Me P.1092, Ta 183, FJ-1, F6U, F-94D, J7W2, Attacker, Me 262 HG II, F2H, P.228, Me P.1099B-2, Il-40, La-15, Yak-30, MiG-15bis, Me P.1101, Fw 252, F-86A, F7U, J7W3, Swift, Me 262 HG III, F90, Javelin, Me P.1102B, Il-40p.
- To put an accent on the special features of Tiers IX-X they will be reworked HP, weapons and flight characteristics. Tier VIII planes will also get more HP.
- Ao 192 Kurier — increased controllability at low speeds.
- Bf 109 E Emil — insignificantly reduced pitch manoeuvrability.
- Fw 190V — renamed into Fw 190 A-1.
- F2F — increased HP, increased engine boost period.
- F3F — increased HP, increased engine boost period.
- F4U-1 Corsair — insignificantly increased HP.
- F4U-4 Corsair — insignificantly increased HP.
- F2G Super Corsair — increased HP, increased engine boost period and its power.
- Ki-88 — improved speed saving, increased controllability.
- Goldfinch — increased bombs damage.
- Bulldog — insignificantly increased HP.
- Demon — increased HP, increased bombs damage.
New Planes
Gift Planes:
- Heinkel He 100 — Germany, Tier V fighter;
- Vickers Venom — UK, Tier V fighter;
- Lavochkin LaGG-3 34 series — USSR, Tier V multirole fighter.
Changes of the Battle Interface
- Aiming circle shows the spread effect of the major caliber now.
- Reticle appearance changed to improve its visibility.
- On-target state of the lead compensation point (red cross) moved to the reticle. This state shows that the target in the certain damage zone.
- Information about critical hit added (when you dealing critical hit to the enemy plane). Damaged module will be shown on the enemy plane marker. This info will also be shown in the target lock window.
- Blinking effect added to the enemy target marker when damage dealt it.
- Reworked schemes of the plane's modules state display in the bottom of the battle interface.
Changes of the Hangar Interface
- Icons of the forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) were changed.
- Changed appearence of the belts panel for visual display of their features.
- Changed info messages in the weapon tooltips. Tooltips for forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) shows the effective firing range. Tooltips for the rare gun (turret) shows the info on sector of fire and effective firing range. Short description of particular weapon's advantages also added.
- Rare gun damage is considered in the overall index of plane firepower.
- Clarifications added to planes' tooltips on Research Page and in the left Hangar Plane's Characteristics Table - the most significant features of particular plane.
- Added to the Hangar:
- "Plane Weapon" block, showing the MAX possible damage of the forward-firing weapon (machine guns and autocannons) depending on the firing range. It has informative description of weapons mounted on aircraft and its capabilities.
- Right Hangar panel got new mode displaying key features of the plane, crew and consumables/equipment mounded on it. Plane performances will be shown in the second mode, one can get into it by pressing the button under the panel.
- Tooltips for planes in carousel and research tree were reworked.
- Flight creation menu, game mode choosing and "Battle" button were reworked. Now availability and behaviour of all menu points logically changes depending on the flight and training room status, players' availability, planes' readiness for battle etc.
- Visual and Sound Effects
- Changes for visual effects of tracers, shots flashes, hit effects.
- Changes for sound effects of forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons).
New Bots
Absolutely new bots in the "Battle against bots" game mode and in training room.
New behaviour logic enables the following abilities:
- Use local navigation to avoid collision with the ground, water, objects and trees.
- Use global navigation to search long-range targets.
- Attack aerial targets on pass.
- Attack aerial targets using Boom-n-Zoom tactics.
- Engage in turn fight with aerial targets.
- Attack ground targets with forward-firing weapons (machine guns and autocannons) and outboard weapon.
- Use 'Zoom" manoeuvre to survive.
- Use diving to survive and escape from persecution.
- Use speed and engine boost to escape from persecution.
- Gain altitude whenever possible.
- Choose different routes when the battle starts taking into account other players.
- Search targets which are not visible on the map.
- Avoid flying beyond the map borders.
- Withdraw pursuers to the allied AAA.
- Analyse situations when they're being attacked.
- Counterattack the enemy plane.
- Choose the proper aerial and ground targets to attack.
- Switch between ground and aerial targets depending on the situation.
- Turn off to avoid head on collision.
- Use "Flick roll" manoeuvre
- Use "Barrel roll" manoeuvre.
- Use defensive manoeuvres with horizontal offset and vertical waving movements.
- Turn sideways (one wing up - the other down) to reduce the projection of the plane under attack.
- Equalize its own speed with the target speed when sitting on 6.
- Proper use of engine boost.
- Use flaps.
- Control altitude, avoid stall.
- Properly evaluate the order of complex ground target patterns' destruction.
- Properly evaluate the situation when using of outboard weapon is the most effective against ground targets.
- Use in-game messages.
- Use chat.
- Use camouflage and emblems.
Bots have 3 skill levels affecting effectiveness of their fire, manoeuvring skill, choice of tactics.
Matchmaker Changes
- If matchmaker has not enough players to compile teams for a Standard battle - teams will be supplemented with new bots.
- Battle queue waiting time will significantly be reduced due to these changes, and team line-ups will be more balanced in tiers and classes.
- Max waiting time should not excess 70-80 secs — after this period the battle will be launched when if there were only 2 players, all other places in teams will be filled with bots.
Bots Skill Level in Training Rooms
It will be possible to choose bots skill level when one creates the training room and adds bots.
Type of Battle: “Battle With Bots”
"Battle against bots" and the battle mission "Expert Hunter" were disabled due to the introduction of bots in standard battles.
Camouflage and Decorations
New sets of camouflages and decorations
- The following planes have got the set of chrome camouflages, available for purchase in the client:
- USSR: P-39Q-15 Airacobra, P-40 M-105, Il-10, Il-20, La-11, Yak-9, Yak-15, MiG-9, MiG-15bis;
- Germany: Fw 57, Bf 109B, Bf 109E, 190 A-1, Fw 190A-5, Fw 190A-8, Me 262, Me 109TL;
- USA: XF4F-3, XF4U-1, P-40, P-51A Mustang, P-51D Mustang, P-51H Mustang, XP-75 Eagle;
- United Kingdom: M.20, Meteor I, Spitfire IX, Spitfire XIV, Swift.
- Japan: A6M5 Zero, Ki-88, J8M Shusui.
- Special set of "Animals" nose art for major part of Premium planes.
- Special set of universal "Animals" decorations
Changes in Decorations and Camouflages
- National Identification mark was changed for Mosquito FB 26
Bug Fixes
- Bug fix for the problem when XF4U-1, Il-2 and HS 129B planes had problems with proper propeller display
- Bug fix for the problem with traces display: if player's plane was attacked by the enemy player who had an option of control processing enabled then tracers could be displayed as if they're flying near but in fact they damaged the plane.