Did we fool you? If not, we hope you aren't disappointed these fabulous camos won't be coming to the game! After all, it was just a little banter for April Fools!
Are you tired of the similar-looking camos and planes? Do you want your aircraft to look fabulous? Well, we all know Spring is here, and with it comes the latest fashions. We certainly have some new camos that are soon to be in-vogue!
Planes will now come in a variety of colours, including but not limited to:
- Pinky-purple-murtle-turtle (also known as fuchsia)
- Blue with an aftertaste of yellow (also known as green)
- Light cinnamon (also known as dark orange)
- Honeydew melon with a hint of clementine (also known as light orange)
- Pink
- Glitters 'n Sparkles (also known as an assault on the eyes)
Concept art provided by xXscoty2dopeXx
Make all your planes fabulous this month pilots!