Ваш аккаунт заблокирован. Ваш аккаунт заблокирован до .
Launch your favorite aircraft, complete missions, and grab some well-deserved rewards: boosters, Supply Crates, and extra combat experience!
From July 15 (07:00 CEST, UTC +2) to July 18 (07:00 CEST, UTC +2), there's so much you can get. Take a look!
Extra XP for your first victory
50% off
decorations (paint schemes, nose art, emblems) purchased for gold or credits
Improved Supplies. Part 1
Reward: 2 Procurement System Improvement
+100% to credits for 1 hour
Earn 100,000 personal points
in any number of battles.
Improved Supplies. Part 2
Reward: 4 Procurement System Improvement
+100% to credits for 1 hour
Earn 150,000 personal points
in any number of battles.
Improved Supplies. Part 3
Reward: 6 Procurement System Improvement
+100% to credits for 1 hour
Earn 200,000 personal points
in any number of battles.
Improved Supplies. Part 4
Reward: 3 Supply Crates
Earn 250,000 personal points in any number of battles.
First Among Equals
Reward: +25% XP
Earn 8,000 personal points in a single battle.
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