
Account created: .

Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Average Damage Caused per Battle,

Battle Performance in Air Combat


2,913 / 311

Total aircraft destroyed / Times player's aircraft were destroyed

Battle Performance in Strafing Mode


0.53 / 0.5

Average ground targets destroyed by the player per battle / Average ground targets destroyed by players per battle

Achievements 40/82

  • gorovets
  • Gorovets Medal

    Was awarded for destroying at least 9 enemy aircraft in a single battle.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • closterman
  • Clostermann Medal

    Was awarded for destroying at least 7 enemy aircraft and receiving at least 15 points for destroying enemy ground targets in a single battle.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • as
  • Ace

    Awarded for destroying at least 5 enemy aircraft in one battle.

    Available in Standard Battle only.

  • rocket_shooter
  • Rocketeer

    Awarded for destroying an enemy aircraft with a rocket.

    Available in Standard Battle only.

  • sky_scourge
  • Sky Scourge

    Was awarded for destroying at least 3 enemy aircraft in one or several battles.

    The count was reset if the player's aircraft was destroyed.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • meaningful_contribution
  • Valuable Contribution

    Was awarded to all members of a Flight that destroyed at least 6 enemy aircraft before one of the Flight members was destroyed.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • galland3
  • Galland Medal Class III

    Was awarded for earning 3 Ace medals in fighters or multirole fighters.

    Was available in Standard Battle in Superiority mode.

  • sky_fire
  • Flames in the Sky

    Awarded for destroying an enemy aircraft by setting it on fire.

    Available in Standard Battle only, one time for each aircraft in Hangar.

  • 2nd_class
  • Expert

    Awarded for winning a battle and entering the team's top 5 by experience received.

    Available one time in Standard Battle only.

Overall Results

Battles Fought 689
Victories 491 (71.26%)
Draws 2 (0%)
Defeats 196 (28%)
Battles Survived 378 (55%)
Average Experience per Battle 523
Maximum Experience per Battle 1,413

Battle Performance

Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 11
Targets Destroyed 11
Assist Points 5
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed by Gunner 0
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 980
Damage Caused to Targets 802
Targets Destroyed with Rockets 2
Targets Destroyed with Bombs 0

Aircraft Types

Fighters 0 (0%)
Multirole Fighters 689 (100%)
Heavy Fighters 0 (0%)
Attack Aircraft 0 (0%)


U.S.S.R. 689 (100%)
Germany 0 (0%)
U.S.A. 0 (0%)
Japan 0 (0%)
U.K. 0 (0%)
China 0 (0%)
Europe 0 (0%)


Hall of Fame
  • Data as of

Clan details currently unavailable.

Error building request.

Error obtaining data.

Data for   unavailable.

Ratings Value Place
Personal Rating
Total Experience
Total Number of Aircraft Destroyed
Total Number of Targets Destroyed
Battles Fought
Average Experience per Battle
Total Damage Caused
Average Damage Caused per Battle
Total Damage Caused to Targets
Average Damage Caused to Targets per Battle
Maximum Experience per Battle
Average Number of Aircraft Destroyed per Battle
Average Number of Targets Destroyed per Battle



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Player is not included in rating for the past 4 weeks: less than battles fought during this period.
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  • Collect gold as a regular income
  • Command your own clan
  • Find new friends.

Learn how to join a clan in the Guide.

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Add friends to your contact list:

  1. Launch World of Warplanes and click Contacts in the Hangar.
  2. Enter the name of the player you wish to add and click Find Outside Contacts.
  3. Select a player and click Add.


Aircraft Battles Victories Maximum Aircraft Destroyed per Battle Maximum Targets Destroyed per Battle

One of the main fighter aircraft of the Red Army Air Force in the early 1930s. Used during World War II on a limited basis.

Aircraft Description
Parameter Average per battle Total
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed 4.23 2,913
Targets Destroyed 0.53 367
Damage Caused to Enemy Aircraft 283.89 195,601
Damage Caused to Targets 60.87 41,937
Player Victor_Mac_Bernik has no aircraft of tier that participated in more than battles. Player Victor_Mac_Bernik has no aircraft of tier yet. Player Victor_Mac_Bernik has no aircraft that participated in more than battles.